
At AARO, we have 3 levels of inclusion to accommodate different types of patrons. 

Subscribers get access to our newsletters and notifications, cool swag (coming soon), as well as being recognized by the club as a friend of amateur radio. It’s completely FREE!

Associate Members are additionally granted access to the Members’ Area of the web page, an invite to our Slack chat server, and are allowed the opportunity for access into all our events! Most people prefer to start as Associate Members because they get all the benefits other than voting and it only costs $15 per year before potential discounts. This gives you a chance to converse with us at events and meetings while you pick our brains for advice on how to pass your Technician License Exam.

Members receive all the above benefits and pricing. They are also allowed to vote in our meetings to better the future of our club, however they must provide proof of a valid Amateur Radio Operator license from the FCC. Once you’ve passed your exam and are listed as licensed on the FCC database, just turn in proof of your new license within 6 months and you’ll automatically become a full Member FREE for the first year!

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit and also take donations. It’s not free to upkeep the repeaters loved by so many in the San Antonio area. Members and donors are our saving grace to expand our club’s services into the future. Thank you so much for your support!

Click HERE to Subscribe.

Click HERE to become a Member.